This year for Christmas, we traveled down to Mobile, Alabama to visit Chris' family. We haven't been down since we were engaged (3 years ago!) so it was a long overdue trip.
My goofy husband playing at the airport. "Final boarding call for flight 254 to Boston."
Beverly and Forrest bought a lot in Alabama to build on once they are retired. Bev has 1 1/2 more years of teaching and then they are on their way to retirement. The houses down in the area are so fun...all on stilts and right off the water. Not a lot has happened on the lot as of yet but soon they will start clearing the brush to build a house!
This is what Bev and Forest will see when they look out their back window each morning, minus a few of the trees. They will have a dock similar to the one next to them to get in their boat and go!
Don't swim!
The next day we traveled to the gulf side (Gulf Shores) to visit Forrest's friend Roy and his wife Susan. They have a condo off the Gulf that is absolutely beautiful. They had another condo off the Gulf that was destroyed by the hurricane. These are some shots from the beach a hop, skip, and a jump away from their new condo and right next to their old one that was washed away.
Beverly picking shells for some fun artwork to have in the new house. We spent most of our time down there helping her find pretty shells.
Chris is sneaky! He took this picture of his mom handing his dad some shells. I think it's a framer!
Family photo.
Us on the beach.
Brotherly love. Check out those sun beams! It was 75 degrees at the end of December...can't beat it!
After spending some time on the beach we headed to LuLu's which is owned by Jimmy Buffet's sister. On the way in I noticed a funny ashtray that said "Put your butts here." I told Chris and Justin I would have to take their picture "putting their butts there." Before we could stop him, Chris SAT IN THE ASHTRAY. He thought I really meant to put his butt inside it! He didn't know it was an ashtray!
If you look closely you can see Chris' butt imprint in the sand. What a goofball!
Chris' grandma Jewel is in a nursing home so Forrest and Bev stayed with her on the fold out couch. Chris, Justin, and I stayed with Beverly's cousin Vicky. She is a WONDERFUL hostess. We had so much fun with her, her husband Mike, and their daughters Meredith and Lindsey. Vicky took us with her sister Debbie shopping at all the fun stores in Mobile. They have such a fun relationship and we laughed all day long! Meredith and Lindsey had every game system imaginable and we spent HOURS playing on the Wii and Guitar Hero.
Chris teaching Forrest to golf on the Wii. I can't believe we got Forrest to play! He liked it so much he's thinking about buying one. I think we're going to have a family game night with our Wii and make some brackets up....
My husband, the Guitar Hero rock star. He lifts up his leg and really jams out while he's hilarious. I'm so addicted to this game that we bought it as soon as we landed in Dallas!
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